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Leviathan or the Matter,Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical Civil

Although I personally do not agree with the philsophies delivered within Leviathan, this is a must read for those interested in understanding modern-day political culture.Other authors which should be studied alongside Hobbes for the same purpose as that which is stated above would be, Locke, Macchiavelli, and Adam Smith. Developing an understanding, however hard it will be to sift through this antiquated version of English, is essential to the blossoming citizen of the state.

Leviathan or the Matter,Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical Civil

This was a book that I downloaded to my phone. I got an amazon kindle app for my android for free, and then found this for free! It's awesome to have a book at the go to read when I have some down time :)

Leviathan or the Matter,Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical Civil

When this book was first published in England, it is said, it was being burned in the streets. What inflamed peoples passion so, in this seventeenth century book? It was governement and religion, of course. Hobbes, who was a private tutor for a wealthy family for most of his career (until he fled the country, that is), picks apart both the why-to of government and its use of manipulations, and the nature of humanity and the mechanisms, he proponents, whereby it operates. And that is just the first hundred pages in this volume.It seems Hobbes intent was to refute the conscience, and instead say that everything was an opinion of the person wishing to act ever which way. This would be false however, because Hobbes himself is an exception to his rule for he has set himself up in the role of The Great Observer, or God.In any which way, it was an interesting read and I recommend it for those who are looking for Order within the chaos.I also recommmend in relation to this book is Joseph Butler's book Five Sermons, edited by Stephen Darwall, which stands as a refutation of some of Hobbes ideas and was written in the very ealry 1700s.

Leviathan or the Matter,Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical Civil

I assert that this work of Thomas Hobbes is amazing. His hypotheses on the Human desires that are curbed through society is notoriously known. I truely appreciate his philosophy.

Leviathan or the Matter,Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical Civil


Leviathan or the Matter,Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical Civil

I was confused by complaints that the English in this version was not updated and difficult to read. Huh, what does this person do when dealing with such pieces of literature as "Huckleberry Finn, "Maggie, Girl of the Streets" or how about that guy, Shakespeare. Doth and hath are not that difficult to transcribe in one's mind if you really want to read such a piece of literature.

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