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Nineteen Eighty-four

George Orwell has written another well written book on the issues of communism, and shows his absoluteley remarkable ability to put the reader inside the character. It shows a horrible world, where its occupants are monitored constantly by hidden cameras or concealed microphones. No one can think to him or herself in this country of Oceana, because Big Brother is watching you. In this world, 2+2=5, because Big Brother is always right. Powered on the hate of the traitor, Goldstein, the Party (the higher position that runs Oceana) is unstoppable. George Orwell perfectly illustrates this grim future with such description, it almost seems real. Honestly the best novel I ever read, and from my favorite author, George Orwell.

Nineteen Eighty-four

This is a book about the ultimate in man's inhumanity to man. George Orwell, and many others realised that, if you controlled the thoughts of everyone in the world, then you are literally omnipotent - because nothing can be proved to exist outside the human consciousness. The part where O'Brien says that Big Brother will last literally forever gives one pause for thought. Because it is true that, in an Orwellian society, nothing can ever change. Big Brother is literally an eternal God.

Nineteen Eighty-four

I love reading the clasics, and this is the best I have ever read. The characters are belivable, and the setting was wonderfull. Sure, I'm 12 and this may sound silly, but I allso enjoyed the love story. The ending was sad, but very well written and thought out. I think this book is realy wonderull and, unforunitly , Orwell didn't miss by to much.

Nineteen Eighty-four

1984 is a truly amazing book- probably the best I've ever read. Orwell keeps the reader interested from the very beginning by describing a world that is so different from our own, yet ironically it's a world we can all relate to. There is so much interesting detail on each page, you can ponder and debate every section of the book seemingly forever. From Winston's illegal diary in the corner of his room where he is hiding from the telescreen, to his torturous questioning in Miniluv where he is being brainwashed into thinking that two plus two is five, this is a superb book. Doubleplusgood.

Nineteen Eighty-four

I enjoyed this book back in 1984 when I 'HAD' to read it for a class project. I enjoyed the book then more as a work of science fiction. I just got a kindle and decided to re-read some older books that I had not purchased due to limited shelf space.Now that I read this book, I am struck by the warnings of what can come out of too much control in the hands of the few. One passage that really had me floored was..." the general hardening of outlook that set in about ...practices that had been long abandoned... imprisonment without trial...the use of torture to extract confessions... not only became common again, but were tolerated and even defended by people who considered themselves enlighted and progressive."This written almost 60 years ago! This book is a must read as the messages are just as relevent today.

Nineteen Eighty-four

1984 is without a doubt one of the best books ever written. It shows the reader the consequences of having an authorative government going to the extremes in controlling the thoughts and actions of its citizens. 1984 also brings up in interesting idea about the reasons for wars. According to Orwell, wars are fought not to gain territory but to get rid of the excess of material and wealth the citizens create. Another way to look at the book is to take our contempary setting of today and see what would happen if people didnt stand up for their rights and beliefs and laid all their trusts and fears upon their government.

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