How Computers Work (The Age of computers)
Its Excellent. Buy it, you'll understand things you never knew you could.
The Practice of Witchcraft
The British edition has the "Today" on the end, but the Canadian edition doesn't. It was published by Beach Holme Press (Canada). I think it's a great book, very clear and non-sensational. (I'm a bit biased though, seeing as the author was my father.)
A copy of this book has been in my life for over 40 years. We never hurt anyone, poked out an eye or did property damage from projects in the book. Yes there are some racial references that we may consider as politically unfortunate now. Parents should be aware of the nature of the projects and language in this book and guild their children. It can also bring up lessons on the environment and nature based on our current world views. A great book with so many fun ideas from our past
I loved this as a child and pre-teen when I checked it out of the library and was very happy when I finally found a copy as an adult. Anyone who has children or enjoys "outdoorsy" and nature-related activities, whether you have kids or were ever a boy or not, should get this. Yes, it's outdated in many ways, but it is still very relevant in many others and the nostalgia aspect more than makes up for the irrelevancies. I would love to see an update of this book so that presently-accessible materials would be included, but I fear that updating it would require taking out, or modifying too much, some of the best parts of it because of modern ideas about safety and such. It's not that I want my kids to put broken glass or knife blades on the tails of their kites for kite wars, or feed a bullfrog a perch, but I think that taking that type of thing out would be a travesty. Anyway, I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys the outdoors and do-it-yourself type of books, especially if you have children, are a child at heart and/or enjoy nostalgia.
Some things simply never change. "The American Boy's Handy Book" is a guide for young boys who still find the time of playing outside highly appealing. Although 126 years old, the ideas are just as applicable today as they were then. The ideas and games presented encourage children to use their own imagination and build their own toys, to create their own fun. In a time of fears of childhood obesity, "The American Boy's Handy Book" may just be what some children need.
This is a masterwork by one of the founders of the Scouting movement. It is designed to provide children (boys) with ideas and plans to make everything from kites to traps to invisible ink. It is writen in a style that is easy for the child to understand. In an age when kids can't be pried away from the TV and video games, this book takes us back to a simpler time when kids were sent outside in the morning and didn't come back in until supper.My 25 year old son asked for this for Christmas because he loved it so as a boy, and I wouldn't part with my copy.