Making Decisions Under Stress: Implications for Individual and Team Training
One of the best training resources I have encountered that specifically addresses strategies and techniques for developing training systems for people working in stressful environments. The compilation is mostly concise, well edited and easy to absorb. Within each paper, each author provides lessons learned from their experience also makes the book very usable as a reference. The text does a good job of outlining the USN's Tactical Decision Making Under Stress (TADMUS) project, and provides a good balance of topics dedicated to both research and application. I am not a researcher, so I could not evaluate the work and methodologies from a scientific standpoint. However, I found the text very usable from the training developer's viewpoint, particularly Parts II and III which are devoted to individual and team-level training. Others seem to find it useful as well - after ordering the first copy, we have subsequently had to purchase two more to meet the demand of our development staffers!
Making Decisions Under Stress: Implications for Individual and Team Training
Not the easiest book to get through if you're not a psychologist, it nevertheless provides interesting and useful insight for teams operating in high tempo environments. Although TADMUS was geared towards dangerous, high stakes professions, its findings are applicable to teams who do not regular face life-and-death situations. Especially useful --since so little is written on it elsewhere -- is the insight into effective team dynamics and how to train to development them. Leaders who profess or aspire to have high performance teams in any realm -- military or commercial -- should take the time to learn the lessons of the study this book describes.
Making Decisions Under Stress: Implications for Individual and Team Training
First of all, there is a point where I strongly disagree with the authors. They say that, probably, their investigation, being so practical and so far of academic issues, should not be admitted as a paper in any important meeting. As a frequent reviewer, I have to say that I would like to find more frequently the strehgth of the rationale and the empiric work of this book.The second part: The book is very good but very centered in the development of TADMUS system. If the reader is a naval officer, that is not a problem but many of the analyses and conclusions can be very useful for other fields. However, being so centered in the TADMUS system, that enforces the readers to make a jump in the abstraction to reach by themselves useful conclusions.The book gives a lot of information about how a modern battleship works and the keys for the decision. For non-naval officers, if that part decreases and, at the same time, all the foundations and results are explained in more generic terms, the book could strongly improve.I hope the authors will prepare another release less navy-centered. If not, the book is worth anyway.
A father who is slow to respond to his son's needs, creates a family version of the Irish Tragedy.
Sammy's Special Day (Golden Naptime Tales)
Bought for Grandson 2yrs 11months. It's another good teaching lesson in a story. A good purchase & a keeper for Nana's bookshelf for Jacob. He liked it.Yes another thanks to Amazon!
Sammy's Special Day (Golden Naptime Tales)
This book has been a family favorite since it's publication. My siblings and I are in our 20's and we still referrence this book. The illustrations of the character's expressions are priceless, and add well to the story line. Beautiful moral, memorable quotes, and well written.