Keira Knightley 2006 Calendar
it is such a cheap product.....don't waste your money.....mine is even defective........
Secrets of Staying in Love
This book was given to me by a sister-in-law and I have since used it over and over and recommended it to many others. It's so easy to understand and very straightforward. Anyone and everyone can relate! The best part of it is that it is an affirmation of the true meaning of marriage: commitment through "better or worse".
Secrets of Staying in Love
Every married woman should read this, especially if you have been married for a long time. It really doesn't matter how long ago the book was printed if the principles and values in it are absolute. I delighted in the book, treasuring even more my marriage. I had read the book about 17 years ago in Spanish, and lent the book, and as always was never returned. Reading it again helped me encourage other woman to fight for their marriages and make the commitments necessary to change oneself to endure in a society that does not cherish it.
Living Well: Taking Care Of Yourself In The Middle And Later Years, 4th Edition
If you're well read in the field of health and nutrition, don't expect to learn anything new from this book. It's the most basic type of health guide, like your insurance company hands out.
The Pharmacy Technician (2nd Edition)
I read the whole book. I recently took the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam, and found that the book wasn't crucial in passing the exam. I had already taken pharmacy tech classes at a college, which helped me a lot more. I recomend buying another books that discusses specific pharmacy tech topics, unlike this one which goes through the pharmacy situations very superficially. It also has a lot of pages of practice problems, practice physician orders, and empty charts to fill in which took up a large portion of the book. In fact, out of the 400 pages in the book, about 2/3 were blank tables to fill in, practice physician orders, practice prescriptions, and references of drugs. A better use of money for preparing for this test is another book that doesn't act as a list of drugs and their uses. A book with detailed pharmacy operations, and calculations is essential for doing well on the exam.
The Pharmacy Technician (2nd Edition)
Educators, if you are looking for a Pharmacy Technician course book for your syllabus, this is it! The second edition of "Pharmacy Technician" is up to date and beyond for classroom use and home study. This book covers it all. Technicians, this book contains all the material you need to know to take the National Certification Examination. If you have been putting off purchasing a study guide, wait no longer and order online today.