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Hand-Taming Wild Birds at the Feeder

A delightful glimpse of life in simpler times. I first discovered Al Martin's book in the early-eighties and totally enjoyed his down-to-earth style of writing. Humorous and heartwarming, even touching at times, this book is one of my favorites.I've successfully used his techniques to hand-tame local Chickadees, Nuthatches, and Tufted Titmice. It required a bit of patience, and sticking to the rules, but the payoff was worth it. The sound of whirring wings and the feeling of an almost weightless creature fluttering to your finger is hard to imagine. But once you've done it, you'll never forget it.Highly recommended for bird lovers everywhere!

Hand-Taming Wild Birds at the Feeder

A wonderful journey shared by Mr. Martin... his personal story and guide to loving, caring for, and befriending birds. Much more than hand-taming. Stepping beyond backyard feeding, you become intimate with birds, and are invited to move among their world.

Hand-Taming Wild Birds at the Feeder

Not only do I own this book, but also his book True Maine Woodland stories. He was my mother's cousin and both my books are autographed. What most people don't know is Al Martin was also a wonderful artist painting with oils on canvas.

Hand-Taming Wild Birds at the Feeder

I chose this book because it is a great choice for those who enjoy birds in their yard. Gives another dimension for enjoyment.

Hand-Taming Wild Birds at the Feeder

This book is just a waste of money. It didn't seem to work, and, SOME OF THE STEPS MADE MY BIRDS FLY AWAY AND NOT COME BACK! I don't recommend this book to anyone!

The Place Between "Amen" and "I'Ve Got It!": Why Some Receive Sooner Than Later

This is a dynamic teaching on Christian living and how to obtain the fullness that God has to offer for your life. If you have any questions concerning why you are going through a particular trial or hardship, you will find the answer in the pages of Pastor Russ Plilar's new book. Pastor Russ goes through several "roadblocks" that stop people from receiving the blessings that God has promised them, and reveals truths from the Bible that will make you stop and think for a moment about where you stand with God. The Contemporary English Version of the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10:5, at the latter part of the verse, that we (Christians) are to capture peoples thoughts and make them obey God. If there is one statement I can make about this book, it is that it will capture every evil way of thinking that the devil tries to put in your mind, and force you to change your way of thinking to be like God's way of thinking. Every Bible believing Christian knows that God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts as humans in general. This book will drive you to repent of the things you have done against the will of God. The word "repent" literally mean to change your mind and turn around, or, more simply, to change your thoughts to be God's thoughts. When you start thinking the way God thinks, you will no longer give sin a place in your life. In Romans 6:12 the apostle Paul warns us to not allow sin to reign in our mortal bodies. Sin is the one thing that seperates us from God. When Man fell in the garden of Eden, it was sin that was added to the human body that seperated us from God, becauses God has no sin. 2 Corinthians 7:1 tells us that we as Christians are to cleanse ourselves of the filthiness of the flesh and spirit, which means that we have to remove the sin from our life, which is only possible through the shed blood of Jesus Christ when He was crucified on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins. This shows us that the only way to become what we were created as, in the likeness and image of God (Genesis 1:26,27), is to repent and change our ways to be like God's ways. "The Place Between Amen And I've Got It," is a book designed to help people everywhere to turn from the sin that has them enslaved and draw near to God. Colossians 3:2 tells us to set our affections on things above, not on the things of this world. Pastor Russ's book will help you to focus on God, the source of your blessings, your health, your prosperity, and your life. Through his own personal testimony Pastor Russ will take you to a place between the shout of Amen when God promises you abundance of blessings and life, and the time when you will actually receive these things. He helps you to understand how the devil operates to destroy you during this crucial time, the time between the planting of the seed and the harvest. The Bible says that as long as the earth remains ther shall be seedtime and harvest, but if you do not understand the work that must be done between the time os planting and reaping, you may never see your harvest. This book is a must for anyone who wants to know how they can receive the fullness of what God wants to do in your life. Buy it, read it, and apply it to your life, it will truly bless you.

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