The Unofficial Guide to Managing Rental Property (Unofficial Guides)
There are tons of landlord books, but many of them are boring to read or leave out important advice that new landlords need to know about. Melissa's book is easy to read and full of great ideas. My copy is bursting at the seams with sticky notes for things I need to do.
The Unofficial Guide to Managing Rental Property (Unofficial Guides)
This book is written succinctly about property management. There is no lull or fluff. As a real estate investor and developer, I've got notes all over the book as Melissa Prandi makes the uncommon common as there is a LOT involved with proper management. Managing rental property is not as easy as it sounds and the author sheds light and ideas all throughout.Buy this book as the smallest management correction may be your biggest savings. It was for me in having roommates fill out applications (big headache and dorm room prior).
The Unofficial Guide to Managing Rental Property (Unofficial Guides)
This book brings you back to the basics and then gives you tips GALORE. You can tell this book was written from first hand day to day experiences of being in the business daily. Her tips are great and I found quite useful. I think this book is a good one to keep nearby so when you forget the professional tips you can bring out the book to refresh your memory. I think this book is great for property managers and investors new and seasoned.I found this book easy to follow and great to refer to for all aspects in the business. You can read it and be familiar prior to purchasing property too.
The Unofficial Guide to Managing Rental Property (Unofficial Guides)
This book is aimed at getting more than the official line, but the author tries to touch on everything and nothing about managing rental properties into this four hundred pages. For example, when describing renovations, sections gloss over high priority items like roofing but instead describes everything from backyard gardening to the driveway and how the grass in the front yard should look. Some of it is common sense!
The Unofficial Guide to Managing Rental Property (Unofficial Guides)
Have only read a few chapters. The book has enough information that I started a document to jot down my "take-aways."I recommend this book if you're considering managing property...yours or others'.
The Unofficial Guide to Managing Rental Property (Unofficial Guides)
I have mentored many real estate agents who want to become property managers in today's real estate downturn. One of the BEST books (I would almost call it a Bible) is Melissa Prandi's book * the Unofficial Guide to Managing Rental Property * I was on Melissa's board when she was the President of NARPM * her knowledge and insight is AWESOME. I bought 10 books when she had a signing at a NARPM event and have given all but one can get your's from Amazon.