The Persuasive Speaker
A friend lent me this tape, and I came here to order my own copy. Ms.Snyder presents an informative, entertaining, no-frills outline to help you understand WHO you are talking to, and WHAT they want or need to hear from you. Loaded with practical tips & systems for organizing your thoughts and tuning in with your audience. Good for beginning speakers, but probably even more helpful for an experienced speaker who wants to move to the next level -- of becoming a really effective communicator.
Dr. James Dobson on Parenting
I agree with the first commentary in that Dr Dobson advocates physical punishment as an alternative; I vehemently disagree. I DO have a strong-willed, distractible, hyperactive, persistent child. However, she is just as deserving of kindness and respect as I am. If you were a 5-year-old child who adamantly refused to clean up milk you spilled on the kitchen floor; and I was the parent who then spanked you. What are the first thoughts you have? Are you sorry you defied me? Are you thinking of how wrong you were? Or are you thinking of ways to get back at me? Do you think you might lie or blame someone else next time? Try Kathryn Kvols "Redirecting Children's Behavior" - it starts from a position of unconditional love - what we are all looking for.
Dr. James Dobson on Parenting
I read this book simply because I like to take in as many different perspectives on parenting as I can. And, I also read it because I consider myself to be a practicing Christian, as in someone who tries to lead a Christian life everyday (not just Sunday!)This sure isn't the Christianity that I believe in, or was taught:. First, the teachings of Jesus are above compassion, empathy and caring. I can't imagine anyone practicing empathy and thinking that hitting someone is "Christian".. Second, the intrepetration of "spare the rod" is totally wrong. The "rod" in the Bible means "guidance". When it is written: Thy rod and Thy staff will comfort me that certainly doesn't mean "hitting me will comfort me". This author seems to be distorting the meaning of those teachings for some purpose of his own.It doesn't take a book (other than the good book) to understand what children need to grow to be healthy, productive adults. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and "As you sow so shall ye reap." is pretty good parenting advice.And, "do unto others"...well, who among us wants to be hit?"As you sow"...if I sow violence I will reap violence.Very sadly, decent Christians will read this book and hurt their children because some "expert" is giving them false intrepetrations of the Bible to justify hitting their children.And, sadly, children will not experience God's love through the example of TRULY loving parents.
Dr. James Dobson on Parenting
This book advocates abuse against children. The author, who does not show any knowledge of child developement, teaches parents to turn from the word of Jesus to the evil of violence.If you wish to raise your child/ren as a true Christian I would recommend any book by William and Marth Sears. They are Christians who follow the teachings of Jesus in their parenting advice.
Dr. James Dobson on Parenting
By all means, use these methods. Embrace his ideas. (Beat your dog, too, while you're at it.) My 'Christian' parents did. I learned fear - certainly not respect. Haven't spoken to them in 25 years. Good riddance.
Dr. James Dobson on Parenting
Anyone who beats a 12 pound dog with a belt has some serious issues. This man needs help and needs to quit writing books. Abusing ones children and animals is not the loving way to raise a family. Religious idiots will love the book though and can condemn and hate and beat their children and dogs with the love of god in their hearts. Dobson makes me puke.