Lizzie McGuire Survival Guide to School (Lizzie McGuire (Unnumbered))
This book is terrible! No matter who you are, it will say something that will offend you inside it. It straight-out bashes People who are aood at math/mathletes,"chess clubbers",cheerleaders, models,science clubbers,theater club, and people in Band/"dorkestra". It says chess clubbers, mathletes, and dorkestrans are "double Es (geeks+dweebs). It has awful things for girls to do like fake sick and make excuses for why they don't do their work. One of the excuese is "I'm afraid I can't hand in the paper on religious grounds" and some people might find that offensive. Im in band the "dorkestra" page really makes me mad. This is what it says:The OrchestraAKA the DorkestraKeeping time...obeying orders....endlessley talking about sousaphones...what's not cool about the orchestra!?Where they hang out: the music roomWhat to say to them: "You guys will never guess how much gunk I collected in my spit valve last practice!"What not to say to them:"Don't you ever get tired of playing the theme song from star wars?"Their idea of a fun night: listening to their favorite cd, Greatest Hits of the Solo Bassoon.Double E rating: Big. (But subtle and musical like the tone of a well-played xylophone. Or Someting.)THIS IS THE WORST BOOK I HAVE EVER READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lizzie McGuire Survival Guide to School (Lizzie McGuire (Unnumbered))
I hate this book sooo much. It doesn't help u with school whatsoever!!! I'm in Orchestra and this stupid book made me mad. It said that if u r in Orchestra,then u r a geek. Which is sooo not true!!!! Buy something else with your money.
Lizzie McGuire Survival Guide to School (Lizzie McGuire (Unnumbered))
I totally agree with the review below mine. This book was TERRIBLE. I bought it because I thought that it would give me some good advice for school... and it didn't. All it really talked about was Lizzie. It didn't give you advice you can use. It really should have been called, "all about Lizzie" Don't buy this book.
The cowboy in art
This book is a useful history of mostly modern Western painters/sculptors. It's definitely not an art book in the sense of good color illustrations. If you can get it cheap it's worth buying. It's a reference work only.
Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird (Cliffs Notes)
Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird (Cliffs Notes)
i think so far this book is ok i guess..theres alot of words that make the book kind of confusing ..Although i do recommend that if u read this book with a whole class read individually. I say this beacuse if your not really focused on the book you will get lost in it really quick. But so far i think its ok for only reading one chapter of it..So thats what i think.