Island of Dr. Moreau (Horror Classics)
The book is so much better than the movie. It gives you a better understanding of the characters bringing them to life. The imagery is also way better. but it lacks focus.
Island of Dr. Moreau (Horror Classics)
This book was a wonderful example of how terrible animal experimnetation is. On the other hand if you have any type of attention disorder that can sometimes give you fits this is not the book for you. Every five minutes i had to put my kindle down and just try to think, I had to literlay go through and reread some parts over and over again. It was one of those plainly hard reads for me that put a barrier in front of me. I am not a poor reader at all; in fact I love to read complex books and I have never had trouble with reading anyting before I downloaded this one. I felt pure frustration in a way I have never felt before. It is not a difficult book to understand on an intelilgence level, but for someone with an attention disorder coupled with mild dyslexia, this was a painful book to get through. :) I can see some smart alik reading this going dang, this one idiot, if they have so many problems with attention how the living heck could they type this long freaking reveiw? The answer is that I have overcome most if not all those problems presetned, and that is why the fact that the mere attention to detial through me off my game so bad that it crippled me for a few days; i alos wrote it 5 minutes at a time:).
Island of Dr. Moreau (Horror Classics)
Wells commented that this book was in a way an exercise of youthful balsphemy. Perhaps. Wells, like every other intelligent human being of Victorian England, could not escape Darwin's theory of evolution with all of its implications. But the ideas go deeper. What is the meaning of human existence? Is the world just a place of aimless suffering and a mere survival through a series of trials and errors?The book has now become more timely than ever, with the completion of the Human Genome Project which, along with possibility of improving our lives with better drugs, opens the possiblity of engineering mutant beings based on human genes. In a somewhat related development, human organs are already grown on/in the bodies of other animals. Cloning, genetic engineering, and harvesting of organs is a warning that our entire world may become an island of Dr. Moreau. Scary stuff.
Island of Dr. Moreau (Horror Classics)
The first Wells story I ever read was, The Country of the Blind, when I was in 7th grade. I found the story amazing and very intriuging. Though the stroy was an excellent read, I forgot about Wells for a while. Then, one day I was shopping for books, and stumbled on, The Time Machine, which I immediatly bought, due to his first story I had read. I also found The Time Machine exetremely interesting, a true literary classic. Unfortunatly, for Wells, the third time isn't a charm. When I bought The Island of Dr. Moreau, I was hoping it would be filled with the same analogies and fantastic creatures that were in his other works. Instead, I found boring animal-men and a dumb account of a mans sudden terror about nothing. The most disappointing thing about this bok is it has no bulid. It's main character is suddely in a world running for his life, but we don't know why or how. The only thing at all interesting is the setting and the cast away idea, but both were overshadowed by the extremely dumb plot.
Island of Dr. Moreau (Horror Classics)
My daughter use this book at the college and she don't like it. It's a tease of Bible. I don't recommend this book for reading.
Island of Dr. Moreau (Horror Classics)
This book was very quick to read, and was a lot of fun. Normally I am pensive when I'm looking at reading 19th or early 20th century authors, but this is just a great book. The book presents difficult questions about animal testing, genetic testing, and other questions of ethics facing today's scientists and citizens. For sci-fi fans this is a must read.