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Forever Amber (The Greates Historical Novels)

When I was sixteen and enamored with Gone With the Wind, my aunt told me about this book and loaned me hers to read. I have never forgotten this book and its power created a lasting link to my aunt who died of cancer quite young.

Forever Amber (The Greates Historical Novels)

I found this book by chance years ago, and have not forgotten it. I passed it around to many friends, and never got it back! It's a great read for people who love historical romance, especially set in England. It remains one of my very favorites to this day.

Forever Amber (The Greates Historical Novels)

"Gone With the Wind" set in 16th century England. Amber makes Scarlett O'Hara look tame. The characters are unloveable and self serving, but the reading is fascinating and the book is very well written. Even though the book is touted as a romance novel, I'm a guy who found it great reading.

Forever Amber (The Greates Historical Novels)

I'm not generally a big fan of romance novels, but I got this book because I remembered seeing part of the movie on TV years ago (made in the '40s, starring Linda Darnell and Cornell Wilde).This is basically "Gone With the Wind" set in Restoration England. That's not a knock--it's very entertaining and its length shouldn't keep anyone from reading it. It flies right by. You also learn a lot about the Restoration Era.The movie (which was meant as an answer to "Gone With the Wind") was pretty good but didn't do the book justice, especially with the abrupt ending. The novel's ending is much better.OK, it's not great literature, but the BBC should make a mini-series out of this one. They'd do a great job, and wouldn't have to tiptoe around the more risque subject matter like the 1940s movie version did (although that was surprisingly frank for its time).

Forever Amber (The Greates Historical Novels)

I was drawn to this book which nestled amongst hundreds of others in an old book shop in Sussex, England. I was astounded when I read the first page and realised it was the book my mother loved but did not allow me to read. I relished every page but agree that I was possibly a little too young at the time being little more than 10 years of age.... Every young woman should read and enjoy it!

Forever Amber (The Greates Historical Novels)

She was a country girl, then so naive, then a whore, yet thru it all, in her heart, she retained the dignity she believed she had, even when others denounced her. In her heart and soul, she was better than the mistakes or choices she made.

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