People's Padre
A fantastic and well written autobiography by an ex-priest. He wrote this expose' about his years of training in Roman Catholic seminary, years as a priest and of his becoming disillusioned over time with the Roman hierarchy. He rebuts Rome in point after point while telling the very readable story of his life's work.
People's Padre
I waited almost 50 years to read this interesting book. When I was 13-14 years old, this book was published in Phoenix where I was born. It was written by a former Franciscan priest who had married my parents and baptized me. The priest was loved for his compassion, aid to the poor of the area, and big personality. As soon as the book was published (or perhaps just before), our monsignor admonished our entire parish from the pulpit that no one was to read or purchase this book because it was written by an excommunicated priest. My mother, a devout Catholic, had always admired and respected this excommunicated priest--but she also followed the dictates of her religion explained by our parish leader.Fifty years later, when she was undergoing treatments for cancer and we were finding interesting books for her (she was 86, still worked every day and was antsy just resting at home), my mother said she'd love to read "The People's Padre," and wondered if it was still in libraries. I located a used copy via Amazon and ordered it for her. She loved the book and said that for her it was a wonderful little history of Phoenix in the 30's and 40's when she was a young Catholic wife and mother. Soon thereafter I read the book and loved relating to the various locations and learning of the political climate I was unaware of because I was born in 1940 and too young to know some things. Since ordering that one book I think I have ordered five or six more, sending them to various former classmates. If you lived in Phoenix from the 30's through the 60's, you would find this book fascinating.
People's Padre
This book went through more than 20 printings in ten years. Unfortunately, that means that Amazon Marketplace sellers felt it necessary to create new product pages for each one. The 1963 printing is the same as the 1960 printing is the same as the 1958 printing is the same as the 1954 first printing. Too bad Amazon can't combine these listings and give us a true picture of where it stands on the "best seller" list.
Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans
It might not have the Greek, but it is outstanding in its use of doctrine. I love it. The introduction was worth it by the inspirational story behind the commentary, and how one man teaching the book of Romans could have sucha large impact on the world. Older so not softened. A great Calvinistic commentary to be added to my library of over 15 commentaries on Romans.
Mother Roots: The Female Ancestors of Jesus
The women's Sunday school class that I teach is enjoying this book study. It leads us into great discussion of both the Bible and current events. I love it when a study can do both!
Mother Roots: The Female Ancestors of Jesus
My church was studying this book in one of the Sunday School Classes, not mine, but I decided to visit.Very informative.