The End of Evolution: A Journey in Search of Clues to the Third Mass Extinction Facing Planet Earth
END OF EVOLUTION MASS EXTINICT & BIODIVE by WARD,PETER is a brilliant look into the history of planet Earth and the life that once inhibited this planet. Throughout the history mass extinctions have occured resulting in the destruction of old world also resulting in the evolution of a new world. Throughout the book Dr. Ward describes these mass extinctions and warns of another mass extinction that may take place if Human Beings are not careful. I strongly advice anyone who is remotely interested in Geology or in any sciences to read this book!
The End of Evolution: A Journey in Search of Clues to the Third Mass Extinction Facing Planet Earth
END OF EVOLUTION MASS EXTINICT & BIODIVERSITY by WARD,PETER is a brilliant look into the history of planet Earth and the life that once inhibited this planet. Throughout the history mass extinctions have occured resulting in the destruction of old world also resulting in the evolution of a new world. Throughout the book Dr. Ward describes these mass extinctions and warns of another mass extinction that may take place if Human Beings are not careful. I strongly advice anyone who is remotely interested in Geology or in any sciences to read this book!
The End of Evolution: A Journey in Search of Clues to the Third Mass Extinction Facing Planet Earth
Peter Ward tells of the past mass extinctions of Earth, in a very fascinating way. Once and a while it seemed a bit of a slow read, but overall it was a great book. It shows evidence that the third mass extinction on Earth is already underway. And mankind could very well be the catalyst of this extinction. It's a wake-up call to humanity that we must try to avert this catastrophe as soon as possible. For the fate of countless species is at stake, including our own.
The End of Evolution: A Journey in Search of Clues to the Third Mass Extinction Facing Planet Earth
This would definitely be the book for someone to read if they have the time and want to know just about everything from the Paleozoic to the Mesozoic, along with issues of extinctions facing humans today. Mr. Ward goes quite in-depth with all his information to give a very full picture of how our predecessors lived when they graced the Earth, along with the cause of their demise and eventually ours if we don't slow the destruction being done to the environment. The language is easy to read and understand, with the exception of the occasional not so well explained term (KT boundary, etc.). Interesting overall if you have an interest in the life from the start of the Paleozoic to current times and have time to spare.
The End of Evolution: A Journey in Search of Clues to the Third Mass Extinction Facing Planet Earth
Ten years ago, Mr. Ward was predicting some of the weather-related occurrences we have seen in the past few months. He blames it on certain atmospheric disturbances which multiply and may cause another extinction of life on earth.Ozone is a form of oxygen which blocks the sun's damaging ultraviolet radiation. This thinning of the world's ozone level was first detected in 1985, twenty years ago, and is being destroyed by man-made compounds leaking into the atmosphere. CFCs were polluting and destroying ozone molecules. If the ozone continues to be depleted due to the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, increased amounts of ultraviolet radiation will bombard the earth continuously, and cause a higher rate of cancer in humans.It's because of the changeds of levels of critical gases such as CO2 (carbon dioxide) and water vapor. Our planet stays warmer in large part known as the greenhouse effect called global warming. It will increase the spread of deserts and cause droughts and reduce water supplies.In 1995, Mr. Ward predicted that this global warming is sure to lead to massive environmental changes over much of the earth. Even if detailed understanding of global warming still defies prediction, generalities emerge. It will cause the seas to rise to dangerous depths. The ice caps will melt and increase sea levels. The rate and extent will decide mankind's fate.The faster the oceans rise and erode land, the greater incidence for loss of life. We've seen this already in New Orleans, where most of the occupants were forced to leave this historic town for a time, and Thailand where land lose and deaths were terrifically tragic.Twice in distant past, catastrophic extinction caused the end of evolution. Our first mammalian ancestors survived, some 250 million years agao. The second great mass extinction occurred 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs perished. It was thought to have been caused by earth's collision with an asteroid.He declares tht the signs for a third mass extinction have alrady started on our planet. We need to find some way to save the rich diversity of life and birds now endangered by changes and climate. We must strive to preserve life as we know it before our own extermination by poisoning from the air we pollute.Peter D. Ward is a paleontologist in Seattle (where the 'think tank' for intelligent thinking exists) and is associated with the University of Washington. In 1991, he wrote ON METHUSELAH'S TRAIL: LIVING FOSSILS AND THE GREAT EXTINCTION. He follows this END OF EVOLUTION with FUTURE EVOLUTION in 2001). In 2004, his mastrepiece was GORGONS: PALEONTOLOGY, OBSESSION, AND THE GREATEST CASTROPHE IN EARTH'S HISTORY. They are all parts of this book, which is a bit over my head.
What Is It, Tink, Is Pan in Trouble?: A Doonesbury Book (Doonesbury Books (Andrews & McMeel))
Individually, the strips in this book are great - relationship issues with BD and Boopsie, George Bush (Sr)-isms, the charisma Clinton exuded during his first campaign, and the highly dubious concept of good ol' Zonker moving back in with his parents in California. However, the mix seems rather mish-mash, mostly thrown in due to era relation. While that's all fine and dandy, we as readers have come to expect a better arrangement from Mr Trudeau. On the whole, however, that would more or less be the only negative feature of the book. It should be noted that hardcore Doonesbury fans like myself and/or people who want to see what the controversy is all about *need* this book, as it contains the Dan Quayle DEA investigation that got the strip banned from all but a few papers in the US ... including the one run by Mr Quayle's family.