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Steve Kaufman's Four-Hour Bluegrass Workout

Although it says it is a workout for guitar and mandolin, I found it a GREAT tool for me to work on learning Bass. I've had the set since right after it first came out and still use it when I just want to jam at home. Steve excels in all his musical abilities and I do appreciate him sharing his talents. Thanks to Donna too!Dennis AlmondKingston TN

Golden rules of surgery;: Aphorisms, observations and reflections on the science and art of surgery (Medical guides and monographs series)

Golden Rules of Surgery by Augustus Charles Bernays, is as the full title describes, "Especially Intended for Students, General Practitioners, and Beginners in Surgery. I love old medical books in general and this one in particular. The history of medicine is a complicated study and a fascinating look into where we have been and how we got to where we are today. Older text such as this need not be avoided by nonmedical individuals; although a bit of a background will certainly enhance the reading pleasure greatly. Some of the bits of information we pick up in this particular volume are as pertinent today as they were in 1906, when this particular book was published. Other offerings of advice and items of complete fact, as perceived at that time, will make you absolutely shiver and wonder why mankind has survived as long as we have."Never, except in emergency, operate on a woman who is menstruating - a week after it has ceased is the best time.""The operating-room of a good modern hospital is, of course, the best place to operate, but you may have to improvise sometimes. Make sure the room is well lighted and remove unnecessary furniture.""Do not forget that epilepsy in a child may mean congenital syphilis.""Fat persons are especially bad risks.""Surgical services have no fixed costs; they are without value in that they are invaluable. Remember, as a general rule, large fees have a tendency to elevate the surgeon and the profession of surgery in the eyes of the laity." (I just loved this one)."It is possible that chronic arthritis may be due to absorption of poisons from a sluggish bowel.""You must know the anatomy of the part and the pathology of the condition, or you will never have lasting success." (Go figure)."Never plunge a trochar through the skin - always incise first.""Remember that idiots, insane persons, or perverts very frequently insert a foreign body in the rectum."In reference to rest for the surgeon: "Rest secured by means of poison injected into the human organism is apt to do more harm than good. I am convinced that the administration of such drugs as belladonna, cocain, (Cocaine), morphine, strychnine, veratrum, digitalis and other poisons by even our most highly educated physicians who uses these drugs, overestimates his own knowledge of the action of the drug."Quite a number of surgical conditions are described in this small 281 page work. Each of the operations are a story within themselves. Now you must remember when reading this work. this was written over 100 years ago. We should not laugh as this was state of the art at that time. There is no doubt of my mind that many eyebrows will be read 100 years from now when they look over our procedure books.If you enjoy history, you will enjoy this work. If you are a healthcare professional you will enjoy it also.It is a wonderful little book to have around just to read bits and pieces here and there.

CLEP History of the United States II w/CD (REA) - The Best Test Prep for the CLE (Test Preps)

I just took the CLEP exam today and I scored a 47. You need 50 to pass so I obviously did not get that. I read through the material of this book twice and took both practice exams twice. I scored a 75 on both practice exams. The book fooled me into thinking I was ready. It just does not go into enough detail, which is exactly what the CLEP asks for. The test is very detailed. I don't know what I would recommend...maybe a college textbook or something instead. I definitely learned from this book but I didn't pass.

CLEP History of the United States II w/CD (REA) - The Best Test Prep for the CLE (Test Preps)

Despite the glowing reviews from others, this book was of little or no value in preparing for the CLEP exam. The format of the questions was not the same (the study guide had zero long quotations to read and answer questions about, but the real exam had many) and the material covered was not remotely distributed the same way. The bulk of the material covered in the study guide was mentioned little or not at all on the exam; the exam contained many many many questions about things that were mentioned little or not at all in the book. Perhaps the CLEP test people have moved into a new mode to outsmart the study guide publishers, but whatever the reason, the study guide will not prepare you to pass this exam.

CLEP History of the United States II w/CD (REA) - The Best Test Prep for the CLE (Test Preps)

History II was my second CLEP and I passed easily with a score of 70 largely due to this book. I had very little prior knowledge of the material and studied for about 3 weeks. I used this book and Petersons on-line tests to prepare. I feel that this book would have been enough on its own. CLEP tests are free for military and reserve members so you have very little to loose. Just go for it.

CLEP History of the United States II w/CD (REA) - The Best Test Prep for the CLE (Test Preps)

If all you are looking to do is pass the CLEP test and get your units (which is all this book is designed for) then this is your book. The questions on my CLEP were very similar to the practice test, not word for word or anything but very similar. Sure, 10-15% of the questions were on material that in no way could be deduced from the text of this book, but you could not answer any of them and still pass. People who are looking for a complete representation of the test from 75 pages of review text are kidding them selves. The test covers a hundred and fourty five years for goodness sake. If all you are looking to do is pass then look no further. This is all I studied (read the review section twice and took each practice test) and I got a 60.If you are looking for a all inclusive knowledge of US History II look elsewhere. But for the rest of us CLEP'ers this is a great book.By the way, I dont understand when people say "this book sucks, but it is all I studied and I passed." What else do you want?

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