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The case for a 100 percent gold dollar

This was a very detailed book and some very elementary digest of what money is to the market place. it is a tedious book to read but would serve as an excellent text book to use in high school classes or preliminary college courses for finance. It also thoroughly explains how money and our economy work together. It also explains how our Federal Reserve manipulates imaginary dollars to effect and even control our financial economy, not only for our financial economy but the World financial economy. So if you are a person that has never studied how the monetary system works this would be a book to help you understand all aspects of it from the very elementary to the complexity of it all. It is slow reading and a lot of redundancy of elementary facts to explain the complexity of the monetary system and how money effects our economy.

Light While There Is Light: An American History (Sun & Moon Classics)

Avant garde poet, graphic designer, publisher and hoodoo god, Keith Waldrop, has written a roman a clef based on his family,a tragic comically wierd tale, told with straight faced, just-the-facts-mam restraint and sympathy. The prose is beautifully pitched, clear, resonant. Buy this book now.

Ten Lies and Ten Truths (Hudson, Parker)

Ten Lies and Ten Truths is a collection of ten provacative short stories dealing with ethical and moral dilemmas. The hypothetical stories are so realistic that two of the stories ("Words" and "Leadership") actually occurred in real life between the time when the story was written and when I read the book! Since it only takes about ten minutes to read a story aloud, there is definitely enough time to read it and discuss a topic during a half-hour time period. I could see this being used in a high school or college ethics class; or even in a business seminar focussing on core values.Some of the topics covered include abortion, homosexual marriage, separation of church and state, victimless crimes, relative truth, and are all religions the same? I especially enjoyed The Game Show story. It focusses on little known facts and common assumptions that aren't actually true. If you want to get a lively discussion started, try reading one of these stories and watch the fur fly.

Ten Lies and Ten Truths (Hudson, Parker)

I've been waiting for a day like this to occur. I really wasn't too certain whether I was willing to give one last chance. Parker Hudson's stories are always from the heart. But I always had trouble sticking with them, hoping his writing might get a little better. And it has. And this time around Parker doesn't go for the latest 350 page bestseller. He doesn't look to dazzle you with genius. He simply challenges you to think through 10 simple short stories. And he ultimately leaves it up to you to make your choice. He presents his evidence, and it rings true! But what are you really going to believe? 10 lies, or 10 truths?My favorite stories in this collection would be "The Plane Trip," "The Vote," (a scary concept, and it hits right between the eyes!!) "Definitions," and "The Past is Present." And the other stories are great as well. There is no bad presentation in this entire collection, and Parker Hudson made sure of that.In a nut shell, the subjects are simple, and it is what Parker Hudson chose to address. 1. Evolution 2. Our founding fathers 3. Abortion 4. God and Allah, & Islam 5. Absolute Truths 6. Character and integrity7. Marriage 8. Popular opinion, or the elites in today's society 9. Porn and promiscuity, who it hurts. 10. Our relationships in our daily lives.These are all addressed in 10 short stories. The question is, do you believe what the world tells you? Or do you stand on what God says, because you know it to be true? There is truth!!! We need to have the guts to stand up for it! Parker Hudson took the opportunity to give us something to think about. He gave us a great witnessing tool. God wants us to be witnesses for Him! Let's give God what He deserves, and that's honor, glory and praise! It's about time somebody got a little brash, and Parker Hudson wasn't afraid to approach that line, and cross it from time to time. That deserves a slap on the back, and it gives us the opportunity to serve a most awesome God the in the way He's meant to be served!

Ten Lies and Ten Truths (Hudson, Parker)

This is a thought provoking book and entertaining book.Divided into ten chapters, each one presents a short story that focuses on moral and ethical issues. It would be great for starting discussions in a Bible study, ethics class, or any other small group.The topics covered include the following: evolution, history, abortion, absolute vs. relative values, character, marriage, whether the elites know best, pornography, and relationships. The last chapter entitled 'Two Lists' about human relationships is one that everyone in our fast paced culture would do well to read and ponder.Another chapter that is incredibly creative is 'The Vote'. It deals with the functioning of government - pure democracy vs. a republic. He clearly illustrates the old adage that democracy is about two wolves and a lamb voting on what is for dinner.Although it is very short, this book packs a punch. I highly recommend it.

Ten Lies and Ten Truths (Hudson, Parker)

Parker does a fantastic job taking mainstream issues and presenting them in a manner where you are challenged to make a decision based on your values. In a world that seems fairly gray, he'll make you think about the black and white issues of life.

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