Way of the peaceful warrior : a basically true story
This book had many strong moments as well as weak moments. The points it tries-to- make at times were hard to follow.
Way of the peaceful warrior : a basically true story
Inspiring and spiritual, this book gave me the "AHA" moment again and again. It was difficult to put the book down. I felt inspired and enriched by the words and wisdom throughout this book. Finding the 'Peaceful Warrior' within. I felt the magic as I read through it, wanting more and more. I loved it. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for that spark to begin their journey or just to add more beauty to their lives. Amazing read.Isabella Gentilin - Author of 'Whispers of an Angel'
Way of the peaceful warrior : a basically true story
I first purchased and read "Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives" by Dan Millman back in 1984. I still have that copy that I paid $8.95 for. Actually, I've read that copy a number of times, and most recently I read the newer book I purchased that also contains an interview with the author about the making of the film starring Nick Nolte. (Notice how prices have gone up, that edition cost $12.95) I bought that and read it along with "Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior: A Companion to the Book That Changes Lives." I enjoyed the first book each and every time I read it, as did I enjoy the companion book. They are both enjoyable and educational. They make you think.For many years, nearing 20, "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" has been in my top favorite books. I don't know if I really have one single favorite, but if I had to list the top 10 in no particular order, this book would be there. It's a story that just connects with me, like it has for many people. The lessons Millman learns from his mentor, Socrates, the eccentric old warrior working at the gas station, are lessons that are profound, yet simple. Millman's spiritual odyssey reflects a searching I've also had, and the conclusions and answers that unfold in this autobiographical novel resemble the answers I've found on my own quest. Maybe this is because Millman, through his books and audio programs, has been one of my spiritual teachers and this first book especially has had a profound impact on me as I've sought answers along my own journey.The book contains a simple story really. The young Millman, successful on many fronts, still has a sense that something is missing. Through Socrates and the young woman, Joy, we read about Millman's awakening if you will. Along the way, you have the chance to share Millman's laughter and his pain. And maybe, if you are paying attention to your own life, you'll see how Millman's moments of illumination shine light onto your own path as you question the larger meanings of life and purpose. You also might just find yourself incorporating the Way of the Peaceful Warrior into your own living, and be doing so, find yourself on a path toward living in the now and happiness.I'm a huge fan of all of Dan Millman's work. I highly recommend you read "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" as the starting point for all of his teachings. It's one of my favorite books, and I'm sure I'll read it a number of more times in the future too.Reviewed by Alain Burrese, J.D., author of Hard-Won Wisdom From the School of Hard Knocks.
Way of the peaceful warrior : a basically true story
Simply put, this is an excellent book. I see that Mr. Millman has a good heart. If people opine about this writing comparing it to "great works" and "gurus" then they need to go to the back of the station and return when they have something to say in "Love".
Way of the peaceful warrior : a basically true story
The Classic Edition of WAY OF THE PEACEFUL WARRIOR: A BOOK THAT CHANGES LIVES appears in a lovely hardcover for the first time since the book's initial publication in 1980, offering readers a fine spiritual odyssey telling of the author's own journey. His path to happiness offers many possibilities and reflections for others and this new gift edition will make a solid pick for libraries and individual giving alike.
Way of the peaceful warrior : a basically true story
Excellent book, with a lot of truths in it as well.I don't know if I believe in Socrates, but truth is truth and many of the lessons in this book are true.Reminds of the the book Illusions by Richard Bach, I like that one more, not as heavy handed as this one, but both can lead to a better understanding of life, and how to live ours to the fullest.