The Diary of Mattie Spenser
I got this book [for very little money] and didn't expect much from it, but I was in for a surprise! This book had all of the elements that make it hard to put down while giving the reader a good look at what it was like to be a homesteader. Give yourself a few hours and read it all in one sitting - it was intense. Unlike many reviewers, I loved the ending, but its not what you expect!
The Diary of Mattie Spenser
This is terrific story told from the perspective of a young pioneer bride settling in Colorado territory. I call this amazing since it IS amazing that people could survive and thrive under such hardships, harsh weather, Indian attacks, and above all the isolation. It is infuriating because not only does Mattie have to overcome the elements... her worst enemies are her 'friends'. It is no secret that humans are and have been throughout history, bigoted, racist, & misogynistic. Mattie deals with these issues, and rises above...A terrific story. 5 stars.
The Diary of Mattie Spenser
This will be the next book turned into a movie. Strong supporting characters enhance the plot between the main characters of the story. I purchased 4 copies and gave to friends.
The Diary of Mattie Spenser
I had high expectations for this book, and the author, but both fell short in the end. I did somewhat enjoy the story of Mattie & Luke Spenser, but was disappointed in the continual references to sex. While they were veiled in language of the day, the fact still remains that nary a chapter passes without a reference to sex, which is a sad commentary on literature in our times. I mean, really. Is it necessary to pepper every single book with sexual references? Can't a story stand on it's own merit?
The Diary of Mattie Spenser
Like other reviewers said, it seemed like the author was trying to cram the experiences of many settlers into the story of one. I know people who settled the west had hard lives, but this was ridiculous. Even the love story was depressing.
The Diary of Mattie Spenser
Sandra Dallas tells good tales. The Diary of Mattie Spenser has intriguing turns. New Mercies has southern charm. Unfortunately, Dallas succumbs to decorating her books with the bric-a-brac of pseudo research--without integrating it into the tale. It glows like Mattie's silver spoons in a sod house. Dallas demonstrates no mastery of letting her characters speak --choosing rather to sprinkle the dialog with newspaper headlines and abrubt colloquialisms. One does not have to include every historical figure, building, or event in a book. Dallas has the talent to write well; it is unfortunate that she chooses formulas which no doubt drive and satisfy publishers but do not create good writing. A warning to readers--positive reviews can indicate that others have abandoned a book because it was not worth reading. Before you waste money on Dallas books, sample her writing from the local library.