My side of the mountain
This was one of my favorite, favorite books as a kid. I loved the idea of running away from home and living off the land (and in my wildest fantasies, I *still* cherish that idea). I suppose everyone has different tastes, but it seems that some of the people who are criticising the book are missing the point: this is fiction. FIC-TION. OK? So maybe no 12 year old boy could survive like Sam did. And of course it wouldn't be safe to try it, not today, not even in the 1950s, when this book is set. I was smart enough to realize that as a 9 year old. (Even so, I remember taking my mom's measuring tape and figuring out just how much room he would have had in that tree). I think imaginative, outdoorsy kids are probably the type who like this book the best. Kids who are horrified rather than intrigued by the prospect of spending a few days without electricity (no computer, no cable TV) might be bored by this book. But then again, they might change their minds as they read of Sam's pioneering ethic. Oh yeah, this also is not just a "boy's book". I'm a girl (well, I'm a woman now but I was a girl when I first read it) and I loved, loved, loved it.....Actually, if Sam was real and all grown up, I would probably want to marry him!
My side of the mountain
I have 2 children under 6 yrs old. Even though they can't read yet it makes a wonderful bedtime story to be read out loud. Also with few pictures in the books it encourages discussion and exploration of what it would be like to live off the land without modern technology. I LOVED this book as a child myself and am excited to see my kids enjoying My Side of the Mountain.
My side of the mountain
This is a great book! If you like reading things that has to do with nature, whether it's fact or fiction, you will absolutly love this book. naturegirl 2000
My side of the mountain
This book, along with Dandelion Wine, captures the essence of boyish childhood.... or at least as we all dream it had been. I read this book once a year and still love it. As a kid I even planned on running away to the mountains of Virginia and living like Sam. I chickened-out. But still became a biologist and ran away to Alaska. For awhile.
My side of the mountain
This book was given to me and my class in Grade Six. In the beginning everyone thought it was going to be boring. Once we started to read it we realized it was great. After that our teacher took us outside to try and make some of the tools Sam used. Our class even spent the night in the woods to learn how Sam felt. We all had a terrific time and began to look at the book differently. It wasn't just make-believe, but realistic situations.
My side of the mountain
I can still remember my grade school librarian reading this book to my 4th grade class. I was BORED silly for maybe 5 thing I knew she was closing the book and we were sent back to homeroom. Every day to follow I couldn't wait to hear more of this story. Thank goodness she sat us down and read it out loud. I don't know if I would have picked it up on my own at that age. Yes, the premise a bit implausible. Trite perhaps. But for the age of person for which it was written, it is sure to draw him in.