Seducing Alicia (Zebra Bouquet)
Alicia Underwood is a scientist who specializes in nuclear cleanup and doesn't have time for much of a dating life. Besides, she's already been dumped by one husband who didn't believe smart women could be sexy.On the other hand, janitor Jason Kirkland sends her usually-calm hormones into overdrive. Can she reconcile her feelings for Jason with her common sense, which tells her to steer clear of ALL men, let alone one with no future? And is Jason really what he appears to be?This is a terrific, fast-paced romance with 'just enough' suspense from an author whose books just keep getting better.
Seducing Alicia (Zebra Bouquet)
This is a good story, but it didn't grab me the first time. After a reread, I am not quite sure why, but it is definitely worth reading. Interesting characters and not a typical 'romance' ending plot. The subplot with bad guys features real bad stuff. Alicia is smart and perhaps Jason was the reason I didn't immediately take to this book. He seemed a little too naive. Definitely not as 'smart' as Alicia in figuring things out. :) Great scenes where the main- and sub-characters feelings are real. Sensual love scenes are included.
Seducing Alicia (Zebra Bouquet)
This was the first time I'd read one of Ms. Cozzens' books and I enjoyed her ability to make the two main characters come alive. The plot of the story-industrial spying/scientist developing radical life-saving process-was one I'd not run across before. It was evident from the facts that the author had done a lot of research. What made it enjoyable is that those facts were given to us in intersting conversation and narrative. The ending is a true nailbiter that kept me reading long after it was time to turn in for the night. I couldn't stand not knowing how it all turned out.I was pleasantly surprised to see that the cover accurately depicted the main couple and the decorations on the deck of the sailboat. If there was one "show stopper", it was the fact that Alica, described on the back as a top scientist (biologist) dedicated to saving lives, falls into bed with Jason repeatedly without the use of protection. However, this one niggle won't prevent me from picking up Ms. Cozzen's next release.
Mountaineering basics
Mountaineering Basics is an all-new expanded version of the original Sierra Club "Red Book". This comprehensive handbook has over 60 new detailed illustrations and includes complete information on:Wilderness Trip Planning, Physical Conditioning, Outfitting, Using Map and Compass, Camping with Children, Amateur Weather Forecasting, On and Off Trail Travel, Campsite Selection and Management, Food and Cooking, Safety and First Aid, Search and Rescue.Specialized instructions are given for Rockclimbing, Winter Camping, Snow and Ice Climbing and Desert Travel. All wilderness skills are approached from a minimum impact perspective.Mountaineering Basics is an indespensible reference for wilderness travelers.--- from book's back cover
Kung Fu Meditations and Chinese Proverbial Wisdom
A small, somewhat uninspired format that contains many meditations and a small section of Chinese proverbs. It isn't exactly an expansive review of any type of Chinese philosophy, nor will it cure any ills, but it does give a curt lesson in meditation and material to start on. And it travels well.
Kung Fu Meditations and Chinese Proverbial Wisdom
This is a very small and easy to read book. A good introducton to meditation. The book is mainly a small collection of chinese sayings and philosophy. You can read it cover to cover within an hour; but to study the words of wisdom will take a lifetime.